Sunflower Hill Farm Wedding | Augusta, Mo

Like so many weddings and events this past year, Maddie and Oscar’s big day underwent several revisions, thanks to Covid, but they persevered and put together a warm, intimate and joyful celebration while making sure everyone felt safe. Maddie chose to wear her mother’s wedding dress, and watching her mom and grandma help her into it was such an emotional moment. In spite of a slightly distracting downpour midway through, their ceremony was one of the most inspiring and inclusive we’ve ever witnessed. Below, we’ve shared a few excerpts from their ceremony courtesy of Wayfaring Weddings.

“As we begin this ceremony we invite you to participate fully with your thoughts and prayers, inviting you to call on whatever name you call your higher power, asking for a blessing of this couple and their married life. Bless this couple, their love, and their marriage as long as they shall live in love together. May they each enjoy a healthy life filled with joy, love and stability.”

The officiant asked everyone to turn to the east: “Be blessed by the element of air. May you be blessed with communication, intellectual growth, and wisdom.

Turning to the south: “Be blessed by the element of fire. May you be blessed with harmony, vitality, creativity, and passion.

Turning to the west: “Be blessed by the element of water. May you be blessed with friendship, intuition, caring, understanding, and love.

Turning to the north: “Be blessed by the element of earth. May you be blessed with tenderness, happiness, and compassion.

To honor Maddie’s Irish heritage, she and Oscar chose to have a handfasting ceremony, and we were so moved by how lovingly it represented the union of their families. Three cords of different colors were tied around Maddie’s and Oscar’s hands, one color chosen by each of their families and the third color chosen by Maddie and Oscar. As the officiant bound their hands together, he read the following:

“These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong, and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and as in today, tears of joy. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children, the hands that will help you to hold your family as one. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.”


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